Sponsor License

If you intend to recruit someone from outside of the UK, you will need a sponsor license. Initially, such license is granted for 4 years, which can be renewed for another 4 years before expiry. Our expert immigration solicitors can assist you to for both initial application and renewal of sponsor license application process.

Please book an appointment with our expert solicitors for detailed advice.

UK Expansion Worker visa (Global Business Mobility)

A UK Expansion Worker visa allows you to come to the UK to set up a branch of an overseas
business that has not started trading in the UK yet. You must already work for the overseas
business as either a senior manager or specialist employee. To be eligible for a UK Expansion
Worker visa you need to have a valid certificate of sponsorship from your employer, have
worked for your employer outside the UK, do a job that’s on the list of eligible occupations,
be paid the minimum eligible salary required for your job. You must have worked for your
employer outside of the UK for at least 12 months unless you’re either earning over £73,900
or a Japanese national doing work for a Japanese company that is expanding to the UK. You
must be paid at least £42,400 per year or the ‘going rate’ for your job – whichever is higher.
Please book an appointment with our expert solicitors for detailed advice.

How can we help you?

You can book a face to face appointment or a video conference. You can get specialised advice for 45 minutes from expert solicitors on your enquiry by paying a fee as little as £100. Please call us to book an appointment.